Do 03.04.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Do 10.04.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Do 17.04.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 20.04.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 24.04.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 27.04.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Di 29.04.2025 XX. Turnierwoche der Murhof Gruppe presented by CITYPARK
Do 01.05.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 04.05.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 08.05.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 10.05.2025 Turnier des Golfrestaurants (Texas Scramble2er)
Do 15.05.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 18.05.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 22.05.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 25.05.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 29.05.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 01.06.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 05.06.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 08.06.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 12.06.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 14.06.2025 Grazer Ladies Trophy Texas Scramble2er
Do 19.06.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 22.06.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 26.06.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 29.06.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 03.07.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 06.07.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Mi 09.07.2025 Golf-Senioren-Vereinigung Südost
Do 10.07.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 13.07.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Mi 16.07.2025 9-Loch Woche After Work Cup
Do 17.07.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 19.07.2025 Turnier der Mannschaft Golf-Marathon 27 Loch
Do 24.07.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 27.07.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 31.07.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 03.08.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 07.08.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 09.08.2025 Travel Pro Turnier
So 10.08.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 14.08.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 17.08.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 21.08.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Fr 22.08.2025 St. Bartholomäer Golf-Ortsmeisterschaften der Herren
So 24.08.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 28.08.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 31.08.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 04.09.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 06.09.2025 Clubmeisterschaften-Zählwettspiel (bis HCP 26,4)
Sa 06.09.2025 Clubmeisterschaften-Stableford (ab HCP 18,1)
Do 11.09.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Fr 12.09.2025 Steirische Mannschaftsmeisterschaften Herren, Senioren, Div. 1
Fr 12.09.2025 Steirische Mannschaftsmeisterschaften Herren, Senioren, Div. 2A
Fr 12.09.2025 Steirische Mannschaftsmeisterschaften Herren, Senioren, Div. 2B
Fr 12.09.2025 Steirische Mannschaftsmeisterschaften Herren, Senioren, Div. 3
Do 18.09.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 20.09.2025 Unified Golfturnier
Sa 20.09.2025 Unified Golfturnier Come and Try
Sa 20.09.2025 Unified Golfturnier Texas Scramble 11Loch
So 21.09.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 25.09.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 28.09.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 02.10.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 04.10.2025 Polizei Abschlusssturnier
Do 09.10.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 11.10.2025 Trachtenturnier (6/6/6) Chapman Vierer (Stableford)
So 12.10.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 16.10.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK Finale
Do 03.04.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Do 10.04.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Do 17.04.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 20.04.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 24.04.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 27.04.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Di 29.04.2025 XX. Turnierwoche der Murhof Gruppe presented by CITYPARK
Do 01.05.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 04.05.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 08.05.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 10.05.2025 Turnier des Golfrestaurants (Texas Scramble2er)
Do 15.05.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 18.05.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 22.05.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 25.05.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 29.05.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 01.06.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 05.06.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 08.06.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 12.06.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 14.06.2025 Grazer Ladies Trophy Texas Scramble2er
Do 19.06.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 22.06.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 26.06.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 29.06.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 03.07.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 06.07.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Mi 09.07.2025 Golf-Senioren-Vereinigung Südost
Do 10.07.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 13.07.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Mi 16.07.2025 9-Loch Woche After Work Cup
Do 17.07.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 19.07.2025 Turnier der Mannschaft Golf-Marathon 27 Loch
Do 24.07.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 27.07.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 31.07.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 03.08.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 07.08.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 09.08.2025 Travel Pro Turnier
So 10.08.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 14.08.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 17.08.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 21.08.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Fr 22.08.2025 St. Bartholomäer Golf-Ortsmeisterschaften der Herren
So 24.08.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 28.08.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 31.08.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 04.09.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 06.09.2025 Clubmeisterschaften-Zählwettspiel (bis HCP 26,4)
Sa 06.09.2025 Clubmeisterschaften-Stableford (ab HCP 18,1)
Do 11.09.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Fr 12.09.2025 Steirische Mannschaftsmeisterschaften Herren, Senioren, Div. 1
Fr 12.09.2025 Steirische Mannschaftsmeisterschaften Herren, Senioren, Div. 2A
Fr 12.09.2025 Steirische Mannschaftsmeisterschaften Herren, Senioren, Div. 2B
Fr 12.09.2025 Steirische Mannschaftsmeisterschaften Herren, Senioren, Div. 3
Do 18.09.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 20.09.2025 Unified Golfturnier
Sa 20.09.2025 Unified Golfturnier Come and Try
Sa 20.09.2025 Unified Golfturnier Texas Scramble 11Loch
So 21.09.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 25.09.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
So 28.09.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 02.10.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 04.10.2025 Polizei Abschlusssturnier
Do 09.10.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK
Sa 11.10.2025 Trachtenturnier (6/6/6) Chapman Vierer (Stableford)
So 12.10.2025 Sunday Morning Trophy
Do 16.10.2025 9-Loch Steinfeld Cup presented by CITYPARK Finale